How to hand pollinate vegetables

How to hand pollinate vegetables

Many vegetables commonly grown in container gardens need help with pollination. Learning how to hand pollinate vegetables will help you make the most of your growing garden. Bees, wasps and other pollinator insects (and even some birds) usually do most of the work. One early morning this summer, I was checking my plants and happened…

Must-have tools for container gardening

Must-have tools for container gardening

Are you looking for the perfect gardening tools to make your container garden thrive? Look no further! I’ve compiled a list of the most essential tools you need to grow the container garden of your dreams. From watering cans and trowels to gloves and shears, everything I recommend here is practical and affordable. I also…

How to attract dragonflies to your container garden

How to attract dragonflies to your container garden

How to attract dragonflies There’s just something mystical about seeing a dragonfly dart in front of you, land briefly on a nearby plant, flick its iridescent wings and then zip away. They’re so fast you almost don’t have time to focus your eyes on them before they disappear. If you want more of that magic…

Fall and winter vegetables for container gardens

Fall and winter vegetables for container gardens

After the excitement of starting a spring garden and the long, lush summer growing season … it’s time to think about fall and winter vegetables! Plenty of cool-weather veggies thrive in fall temperatures. In warmer zones that don’t see much frost, like zones 8-10, you can grow many vegetables year-round. The cooler seasons are also…